ACTION AGAINST HUNGER, in accordance with current legislation on Data Protection
As it has been conceived and developed, our has the following accessibility guidelines, without affecting functionality:
- Guideline 1 Text alternatives: Provide textual alternatives for all non-textual content so that it can be converted to other formats that people need, such as enlarged texts, braille, voice, symbols or into simpler language.
- Guideline 2 Navigable: Provide means to help users navigate, find content, and determine where they are.
- Guideline 3 Readable: Make textual content readable and understandable.
- Guideline 4 Predictable: Make websites appear and operate in a predictable manner.
- Guideline 5 Assisted Data Entry: Help users avoid and correct errors. Basically display information when forms send back errors or display information when the user has to enter data.
- Standard 6 compatible: Maximize compatibility with current and future user applications, including technical aids.